Our Technical specifications
- All the artistic works supplied on our part guaranteed for a period of 3 years against the industry foibles and industrialization fundamentals of Paintings .... etc ....
- The matt around all the picture is usually about 3.5 cm up to 12 cm according to the pictures size as to cope with it, and it can be changed with order ((rate and proportion)).
- The Carton used in the background, usually is supplied in 3 layers of colors, According to what cope with nature of every picture with possibility of the supply up till 6 layers.
- We at the present supply all kind of printed pictures inside suitable frames with Matt (background) of colored imported carton (Fibriano- Canson - Canson Acid free - Teziano- Ingras) are available about 85 colors.
- All type of finish is available all the frames as of as the British golden leave and even the transparent color of wood passing through the ducco colors, but is available some of the stiked kinds with printed coating the same effect of the natural wood as well as some of the modern forms.
- The glass used in all our imported glass works 2.5 mm required for picture purposes, and the frames, and not the door and window glass.
- All the products are superiority of Egyptian industry, it cope the imports as the taste, and also we have also the American & British Standard, price that differentiates about 8 time less than similar to the imported.
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